Date: 26 May – 7 June 2020
Location: Hong Kong (Broadway Cinematheque, PREMIERE ELEMENTS)
Guest: Anthony CHEN
Screening: Wet Season, Siblings of the cape, Nina Wu, Goodbye Mother, Fukuoka, Coming Home Again
Partners: Broadway Cinematheque

With the shared objective of promoting and recognizing outstanding Asian cinematic works, the Asian Film Awards Academy (AFAA) collaborates with the Broadway Cinematheque in presenting AFAA’s flagship film roadshow – Asian Cinerama (the programme). Financially supported by Create Hong Kong and the Film Development Fund of the Hong Kong SAR Government, Asian Cinerama will take place at Broadway Cinematheque and Premiere Elements from 23 May to 7 June 2020.
The programme is opened with Wet Season by a Singaporean director Anthony CHEN who was nominated in the 8th edition of Asian Film Awards, whose previous work Ilo Ilo (2013) won 40 awards internationally. Wet Season traces the fragile dissonances in the lives of a Chinese language teacher and a student who helps the teacher reaffirm her identity as a woman.
Other outstanding Asian films that will showcase in the programme include, first-time director Katayama Shinzo’s Siblings of the cape raises many questions about the moral and physical treatment of vulnerable people; Goodbye Mother, by new Vietnamese director Trinh Dinh Le Minh, reflects the reality of difficulties in coming out even in the relatively more relaxed atmosphere; Fukuoka, directed by Korean-chinese director Zhang Lu who was nominated the best director in the 2nd edition of AFA, talks about the story between two men and a quirky girl who enters their life suddenly.
Nina Wu, which is directed by Myanmar-born Taiwanese director Midi Z, also Ke-Xi Wu, who also co-wrote the script based on her own personal experiences ; Coming Home Again, directed by Wayne Wang, is based on the award-winning essay by Chang-rae Lee, describes the emotions in the past and memories while taking care of his mom and preparing the traditional Korean meals.