

Date: 27 December 2021 & 5 January 2022

Location: Hong Kong (Béthanie Theatre – The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Broadway Cinematheque)

Topic: Conscientious Objectors!

Guest: Radu Jude, Avi Mograbi (Public Session)

Moderator: Ka Ming & Born Lo (University Session), Clarence Tsui (Public Session)

Partners: Broadway Cinematheque, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

What could filmmakers do to counter the nationalism and xenophobia on the rise today? An exchange of opinions between two artists separated by geography, but united in their determination in making cinema relevant again.


Gritty family drama unfolding on a busy urban boulevard, and in a cluttered middle-class apartment.  A black-and-white “Wallachian Western” in the rural hinterlands in the 19th century, and a colorful, soundstage-set screen version of a play set in 1981.  Documentaries based on family photographs of Holocaust victims and Communist-era provinicial militiamen, and short films featuring children, toys and lithographs.


Radu Jude has done them all and more, making him perhaps the most adventurous, exciting, and provocative auteur in recent years.  Having emerged from the so-called Romanian New Wave, Jude was among the first in the group (if there ever was one anyway) to break ranks and experiment with artifice, adaptations, and a wild variety of source material.

Co-organized by the Asian Film Awards Academy and Broadway Cinematheque, two “Film Craft Workshops: Radu Jude” have been successfully concluded.  We are honored to have the speaker Radu Jude and the guest Avi Mograbi to attend the online workshop, one in Romania and another in Israel, they describe their unique understanding of film and how to examine their own country’s history, as well as the difficulties encountered in filming in a turbulent environment.  In the session of university, Radu Jude also told the students to do more research, accumulate life experiences, learn more about different cultures, and better experience all kinds of different life.


Throughout their careers, Radu Jude and Avi Mograbi have been dubbed “unpatriotic” because of their insistence in steering away or even undermining the tub-thumping historical narratives in their own countries. Jude, for example, has spent the past decade decrying the petty provincialism and racism ingrained into Romanian society from the 19th century to the 21st. Mograbi, meanwhile, has been ceaseless in his criticism about the Israeli government’s state-sanctioned violence towards its own Arab population and also Palestinians in the occupied territories. Just as importantly, they have been exploring new aesthetic and ethical approaches in tackling these issues as well.




  • 27 December 27 2021: The public’s screening and workshop

14:00 Screening of “Z32/The Second Execution of the Grand Marshal”

15:30 Film Craft Workshops

  • 5 January 2022: University student’s screening and workshop

Screenings of 3 shorts and bad luck banging




Film Craft Workshops – Public Session

他の ポストプロダクション・ワークショップ
岩井俊二 When asked about his perspective on "life and death, fate and love," he emphasised the significance of these motifs in his works.
ダルジャン・オミルバエフ We are honoured to have Darezhan OMIRBAYEV to attend the Film Craft Workshop with the film students and audience.
ラドゥ・ジューデ Radu Jude is the most adventurous, exciting, and provocative auteur in recent years, as the first man in Romanian New Wave.
河瀨直美 The award-winning Japanese film director Naomi KAWASE join Film Craft Workshops to share experiences and knowledge.
アンソニー・チェン Director Anthony Chen hosted two sessions of Film Craft Workshops to share his experiences and knowledge of script writing.
李相日 We are pleased to invite the famous Korean-Japanese film director and screenwriter Lee Sang-il to share his experiences with Hong Kong audience.
ハンス・フロム We are happy to have German Cinematographer Hans Fromm to be our guest and host two sessions of Film Craft Workshops.

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