

Date: 25 & 26 November 2018

Location: Hong Kong (Béthanie Theatre – The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Broadway Cinematheque)

Topic: From Literature to Cinema

Guest: Lee Sang-il, Fruit Chan (Public Session)

Moderator: Ka Ming (University Session), Gary Mak (Public Session)

Partners: Hong Kong Asian Film Festival, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

Asian Film Awards Academy (AFAA) is pleased to invite the famous Korean-Japanese film director and screenwriter Lee Sang-il to share his experiences with Hong Kong audience. The first workshop “Film Craft Workshops – Lee Sang-il From Literature to Cinema” is held at the Broadway Cinematheque on 25th November 2018, jointly organized by AFAA and Hong Kong Asian Film Festival. The workshop is successfully started after the screening of “Border Line”, Lee Sang-il had a conversation with Fruit CHAN, a famous Hong Kong filmmaker who is also a director and screenwriter.  The second workshop will be held at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) on 26th November 2018 which is opened to all the students of HKAPA.

Zainichi Korean director Lee Sang-il is an important figure in contemporary Japanese cinema. Known for his complex yet mature narrative structure, he is a master of adapting literature to cinema. His works offers a critical insight into modern human relationships, exposing the pitfalls of society and morality. As a director who is both critically and commercially successful,


Director LEE Sang-il won several awards and launched his first feature film “Chong” in 1999. After that he launched “Border Line” (2002), “69” (2004) and “Scrap Heaven”(2005), then the following films: “Hula Girls” (2006) and “Akunin” (2010) were included several prizes in different awards, including the Japan Academy Prize, Kinema Junpo and so on. The works “Rage” (2016) and “Akunin” (2010) are all adapted from Shuichi Yoshida’s novels, both of which are popular works.


You can click on the link below to review the wonderful video clips.

他の ポストプロダクション・ワークショップ
岩井俊二 When asked about his perspective on "life and death, fate and love," he emphasised the significance of these motifs in his works.
ダルジャン・オミルバエフ We are honoured to have Darezhan OMIRBAYEV to attend the Film Craft Workshop with the film students and audience.
ラドゥ・ジューデ Radu Jude is the most adventurous, exciting, and provocative auteur in recent years, as the first man in Romanian New Wave.
河瀨直美 The award-winning Japanese film director Naomi KAWASE join Film Craft Workshops to share experiences and knowledge.
アンソニー・チェン Director Anthony Chen hosted two sessions of Film Craft Workshops to share his experiences and knowledge of script writing.
李相日 We are pleased to invite the famous Korean-Japanese film director and screenwriter Lee Sang-il to share his experiences with Hong Kong audience.
ハンス・フロム We are happy to have German Cinematographer Hans Fromm to be our guest and host two sessions of Film Craft Workshops.

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