The sequel to 2015’s Wolf Warrior, WU Jing’s Wolf Warrior Ⅱ is an explosive action blockbuster that surpassed all expectations. Released in the summer of 2017, the action-adventure shattered multiple box office records at home. In China alone, the film grossed over 56 billion yuan (about US$901 million), making it the second highest-grossing film ever in a single market, behind Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)’ North American gross, and the highest-grossing Asian film of all time. It’s also the sole non-Hollywood film to be included as one of the top 100 highest-grossing films of all time worldwide.
Directed by and starring action star WU Jing, Wolf Warrior Ⅱ follows the adventures of a rogue Chinese soldier who single-handedly takes on a group of evil mercenary soldiers in a war-torn African nation. Made with a multi-national crew hailing from mainland China, Hong Kong, New Zealand, South Africa and the United States, it is a slam-bang action extravaganza featuring exhilarating action sequences that can go toe-to-toe with its counterparts in Hollywood. Not only does its success show the astonishing growth of China’s domestic film industry, it’s also a testament to the ever-increasing influence of Asian cinema on the global stage. This film is truly a monumental achievement unlike any other.