
제20회 부산 국제 영화제

Date: 1 – 10 October 2015

Location: Busan

Partners: Busan International Film Festival

Led by the Asian Film Awards Academy, 12 selected students from Hong Kong tertiary institutions visited the 20th Busan International Film Festival to develop their skills and enrich their outlook, experience and network with film practitioners from around the world.


Students on the visit participated in various festival events. In October 2015, selected students visited the Busan International Film Festival, the Asian Film Market and the Asian Project Market in Korea, which were some of the most major film events in Asia as well as in the world.

Events included:

Screenings and After-Screening Discussions with Filmmakers

Period: 1 to 10 October 2015

Every student has watched around 10 films of different genres and from different countries of their own choice.

BIFF Square Visit: The 20th Busan International Film Festival Eve Celebration

Date: 30 September 2015

BIFF Orientation Meeting

Date: 1 October

Speakers: Pak Dosin (Programmer and Head of Asian Film Academy, BIFF), Kim Young-woo (Asian Cinema Programmer, BIFF)

Festival Opening and Closing Ceremonies and Red Carpet Events

Dates: 1 October; 10 October 2015

Venue: BIFF Theater, Busan Cinema Center

Asian Film Market Tour

Date: 3 October 2015

Venue: Exhibition Hall

Discussion Panel: Producing Blockbusters in Mainland China

Date: 6 October 2015

Venue: Exhibition Hall

Meet Taiwanese actor Chang Chen and Journey to the Fest participants at the BIFF Festival Opening Reception.

Meet Singaporean director Anthony Chen and Journey to the Fest participants at the Asian Film Academy Party.

Mainland Chinese director Wang Xiaoshuai and Journey to the Fest participants at the BIFF Festival Closing Reception.

Kim Young-woo, Asian Cinema Programmer of the BIFF, and Journey to the Fest participants at the BIFF Festival Closing Reception.

다른 저니 투 더 페스트
전주 Students participated in the Jeonju International Film Festival in South Korea for the first time. They attended screenings, festival activities, masterclass lectures, and exchanges with filmmakers and festival programmers from all over Asia.
도쿄 The Journey to the Fest student visit has returned to Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) after a five-year hiatus. Students enjoyed chance to exchange ideas with film students and film talents from different Asian countries and regions.
싱가포르 SGIFF 기간 동안 학생들은 싱가포르 의 영화 제작 역사와 문화에 대한 이 해와 경험을 얻기 위해 영화 관련 기관들을 방문했다.
도쿄 이 프로그램은 홍콩 학생들에게 TIFF 를 방문하여 기술을 개발하고 그들의 전망과 경험을 풍부하게 할 수 있는기회를 제공하였다.
부산 아시안 필름 어워드 아카데미가 한국 의 부산에 다시 학생들의 방문을 진 행하였다.
타이베이 2016년에 아시안 필름 어워드 아카데 미가 타이페이 금마장 영화제에 7일일정의 학생 방문을 준비하였다.
부산 홍콩의 영화학도 12명이 제20회 부산 국제영화제를 방문해 실력을 늘리고 꿈을 키우게 되었다.

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