홍콩의 밤 (업계 행사)

제29회 부산국제영화제

29th Busan International Film Festival

Date: 4 October 2024 

Location: Busan


The event was attended by over 600 industry professionals from around the world, who together experienced the vitality and charm of Hong Kong cinema and promoted connections within the industry of various regions.


Co-organised by the Asian Film Awards Academy (AFAA) and Busan International Film Festival (BIFF) and sponsored by the Cultural and Creative Industries Development Agency (CCIDAHK) and the Hong Kong Film Development Council (FDC), “Hong Kong Night” was successfully held last night (October 4th). The event was attended by over 600 industry professionals from around the world, who together experienced the vitality and charm of Hong Kong cinema and promoted connections within the industry of various regions.


We are pleased to have Dr. Wilfred Wong, Chairman of the AFAA; Park Kwang Su, Chairperson of the BIFF; Gary Mak, Assistant Commissioner for Cultural and Creative Industries of CCIDAHK; Josie Lin, Executive Director of the AFAA; renowned Hong Kong director Ann Hui; prominent film producers from Hong Kong including Jeffrey Chan, Amy Chin, John Chong, Chong Suk Fong, Chu Chen On, Charlie Fung, Tang Wai But, Johnny Wang, Yim Ka Lim, Daniel Yu; and the two lead actors of “Montages of a Modern Motherhood”, Lo Chung Yip and Hedwig Tam, all showing their support for the development of the Hong Kong film industry.

Please contact us if any questions,
Email: info@afa-academy.com
Tel: +852 3195 0608
Website: www.afa-academy.com


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