구로사와 기요시 X 프루트 챈

Cinematic Visions Across Borders

Date: 8 March 2024

Location: Hong Kong (Hong Kong Design Institute)

Guest: KUROSAWA Kiyoshi, Fruit CHAN

In this remarkable occasion, renowned Japanese director and jury president of the 17th Asian Film Awards, KUROSAWA Kiyoshi and local independent film master Fruit CHAN got together to discuss all things cinematic. The captivating conversation took place at the Hong Kong Design Institute and spanned a wide range of topics, encompassing their personal experiences, artistic endeavours, and their insights into the industry.



While exploring their outlook on cinema and their respective creative processes, Fruit CHAN delved into the notion of the modern-day “box office” and how it has come to define the success (or failure) of a commercial film. Nevertheless, he argued that any local Hong Kong production should be deemed successful, regardless of its box office performance. He also reminisced on his own humble beginnings as a director and shared his views on independent filmmaking. Despite emphasising the importance of budget control, he still firmly believed that adhering to his artistic vision could bring about a profound sense of achievement.



In response, KUROSAWA Kiyoshi shared his own insights on filmmaking, including his reservations about shooting explicit scenes, and his recent inclination to adhere closely to the script rather than relying on improvisation. He also expressed a tinge of envy towards the younger generation of filmmakers who now has the luxury of shooting in the digital age, vividly recalling the tension he experienced back in the day while shooting with traditional film.


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