
제13회 태평양 자오선 국제 영화제

Date: 12 – 18 September 2015

Location: Vladivostok (Primorsky Opera and Ballet Theater, Ocean Movie Theatre)

Guest: Adam Wong, Kim Ki-duk, Clarence Tsui

Screening: The Way We Dance, A Simple Life, Dearest, The Lunchbox, Like Father, Like Son, Secret Sunshine

Partners: Pacific Meridian International Film Festival

It is a great pleasure for the Asian Film Awards Academy to come from our home base in Hong Kong to Vladivostok to present six outstanding Asian films on our programme “Asian Cinerama – AFAA Film Roadshows” at the 13th Pacific Meridian International Film Festival. These six captivating films come from Hong Kong, mainland China, Korea, Japan & India and are all nominees or winners of the past Asian Film Awards. We’re very grateful to the festival for hosting us.


The Asian Film Awards Academy was set up in 2013 by three main Asian film festivals, including the Busan International Film Festival, the Hong Kong International Film Festival and the Tokyo International Film Festival, aiming to promote and develop Asian cinema, its talents and audiences. The AFA Academy highlights, strengthens and develops the Asian film industry and culture through the annual Asian Film Awards and its multitude of year-round initiatives. Our film roadshow series, Asian Cinerama, goes around the world to screen Asian films with the purpose of allowing the international audiences more chances to experience and get to know Asian cinema. We hope you’d all enjoy our films this time in Vladivostok.

We very much appreciate the support from our Hong Kong financial supporters Create Hong Kong and Hong Kong Film Development Fund of the Hong Kong SAR Government. Our gratitude also goes to Mr. Clarence Tsui, Senior Film Critic of The Hollywood Reporter, and Hong Kong director Adam Wong Sau Ping for joining us on this trip to introduce Asian films to you all.

다른 아시안 시네라마
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홍콩 Striving to connect cinephiles and filmmakers across different regions in Asia and expanding the Asian film market worldwide, we hope to facilitate diverse cultural consumption within the global community through the cinematic medium.
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토론토 아시안 시네라마가 토론토에서는 처 음으로 열렸고 현지 관객들에게는 다 양한 아시아 영화 스타일을 접하는 기회가 되었다.
하와이 하와이에서 천명이상의 관객들이 아 시안 시네라마를 통해 다양한 아시아 영화를 감상하였다.

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