
제14회 첸나이 국제 영화제

Date: 5 – 12 January 2017

Location: Chennai (Sathyam Cinemas, Casino Cinema)

Guest: Sam Ho

Screening: Bajirao Mastani, The Golden Era, That Demon Within, Dearest, Mr. Six, Fires on the Plain, Ode to My Father, Snap

Partners: Chennai International Film Festival

To promote Asian cinema and expand its audience worldwide, the Asian Film Awards Academy (AFA Academy) presented a film roadshow program titled Asian Cinerama at the 14th Chennai International Film Festival (CIFF) in Chennai, India (Jan 5 to 12, 2017). Established in 2003, the CIFF was dedicated to presenting the best of international and Indian films to India and showcased the best of Tamil films to the world. Its eclectic sidebars presented over 150 films from over 50 countries: World Cinema, Retrospective, Tribute, Country Focus, Indian Panorama and Tamil Film Competition. Top Indian film celebrities that support and have attended the festival includes Amir Khan (3 Idiots, PK), Amitabh Bachchan, A R Rahman, Suhasini Maniratnam amongst others. The festival also presents awards to recognize outstanding film talents and works every year.

다른 아시안 시네라마
홍콩 Karata Erika, Esther Liu, and Jack Tan converge in Hong Kong for an intimate exchange with cinephiles.
홍콩 Striving to connect cinephiles and filmmakers across different regions in Asia and expanding the Asian film market worldwide, we hope to facilitate diverse cultural consumption within the global community through the cinematic medium.
Dubai Asian Film Awards Academy has collaborated with Dubai independent cinema Cinema Akil for the first time to host the "Asian Cinerama: Hong Kong Film Festival" in Dubai from November 10th to 16th.
홍콩 Eight outstanding nominated films of the 16th Asian Film Awards were screened in Hong Kong. The theatre was full for many sessions, and the atmosphere was hot!
쿠알라룸푸르 7 Hong Kong films were premiered in Malaysia. Including the Asian premiere of director Keian Chui’s REMEMBER WHAT I FORGOT.
자카르타 Six Hong Kong films were shown in Indonesia. Showcase the rich and vibrant creativity of contemporary movies produced out of Hong Kong.
홍콩 아시안 시네라마의 개막작과 폐막작 인 "호쿠사이"와 "웨이팅 포 마이 컵 오브티" 모두 홍콩에서 최초 상영되었 다.
바르샤바 제 15회 아시아 영화제의 최우수 작 품상을 받은 "스파이의 아내"는 바르 샤바에서 최초 상영되었고 구로사와 기요시 감독도 온라인 세션에 참여하 였다.
토론토 아시안 시네라마가 토론토에서는 처 음으로 열렸고 현지 관객들에게는 다 양한 아시아 영화 스타일을 접하는 기회가 되었다.
하와이 하와이에서 천명이상의 관객들이 아 시안 시네라마를 통해 다양한 아시아 영화를 감상하였다.

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