
제53회 타이베이 금마장 영화제

Date: 21 – 28 November 2016

Location: Taipei

Partners: Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival Executive Committee

Founded in 2013, the Asian Film Awards Academy (AFA Academy) continues to extend and strengthen its role as a major facilitator and advocate for Asian cinema through its annual Asian Film Awards (AFA) and year-round programs. Since last year, the Academy has kick-started a series of programs with partners around the region and the world to promote and develop Asian cinema through activities with film talents and audiences, including the Awards show, masterclasses, film roadshows, student visits and internship programs.


2015’s Journey to the Fest – Student Visit to the Busan International Film Festival, brought Hong Kong students of film and media-related disciplines to South Korea’s major film event. The young participants networked with peers and professionals from around the region, and found the trip “unforgettable” and helpful for their future career. Continuing this success, the AFA Academy had leaded a seven-day Student Visit to the Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival (TGHFF) in 2016.


Initially established to promote Taiwanese cinema in 1962, the Taipei Golden Horse has evolved into a leading film awards ceremony and festival dedicated to Pan-Chinese cinema and a multi-faceted platform for international exchanges for film professionals and cineastes. In addition to watching films, meeting film professionals, attending the Golden Horse Awards’ Ceremony and Red Carpet, and participating in the Golden Horse Film Academy’s activities, the students will also visit the Taipei Film Institute, its film archive, and the Taipei International Documentary Festival to get a wider and deeper perspective of the importance and variety of Taiwanese cinema.

Main events included:

Screenings and After-Screening Discussions with Filmmakers

Period: 21 to 26 November 2016

Student have watched around 10 films of different genres and from different countries co-chosen by TGHFF and AFA Academy.

TGHFF Orientation Meeting

Date: 21 November 2016

Venue: Amba Hotel

Speakers: Christa Chen (Hospitality Manager, TGHFF), Emma Chen (Program Director, TGHFF)

Visit to Spot

Dates: 23 November 2016

Venue: Spot

Speaker: Susan Hsu (Manager of Event & Plans)

Meet with the Press- Director of ‘The Summer is Gone’

Date: 23 November 2016

Venue: Spot

Golden Horse Academy Lectures

Date: 24 November 2016

Venue: Central Motion Picture Co. Studio (C.M.P.C. Studio)

Speaker: Action choreographer Adam Chan Chung-Tai, Gino Yang

Taipei Golden Horse Red Carpet and Awards Ceremony

Date: 26 November 2016

Venue: Taipei Zhongshan Hall

Visit to Taipei Post Production

Date: 25 November 2016

Venue: Taipei Post Production

Speaker: Production Manager of Taipei Post Production

Meet Japanese director Shiraishi Kazuya after the Screening of Twisted Justice.

Meet Singaporean director Boo Junfeng of Apprentice and his production crew at Malaysian Night Cocktail Party.

Meet with cinematographer Christopher Doyle and Hong Kong film critic Ernest Chan Chi Wah.

Meet with Taiwanese actor Cheng Jen-Shuo and actress Xinya An.

다른 저니 투 더 페스트
전주 Students participated in the Jeonju International Film Festival in South Korea for the first time. They attended screenings, festival activities, masterclass lectures, and exchanges with filmmakers and festival programmers from all over Asia.
도쿄 The Journey to the Fest student visit has returned to Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) after a five-year hiatus. Students enjoyed chance to exchange ideas with film students and film talents from different Asian countries and regions.
싱가포르 SGIFF 기간 동안 학생들은 싱가포르 의 영화 제작 역사와 문화에 대한 이 해와 경험을 얻기 위해 영화 관련 기관들을 방문했다.
도쿄 이 프로그램은 홍콩 학생들에게 TIFF 를 방문하여 기술을 개발하고 그들의 전망과 경험을 풍부하게 할 수 있는기회를 제공하였다.
부산 아시안 필름 어워드 아카데미가 한국 의 부산에 다시 학생들의 방문을 진 행하였다.
타이베이 2016년에 아시안 필름 어워드 아카데 미가 타이페이 금마장 영화제에 7일일정의 학생 방문을 준비하였다.
부산 홍콩의 영화학도 12명이 제20회 부산 국제영화제를 방문해 실력을 늘리고 꿈을 키우게 되었다.

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