
제16회 홍콩 아시아 영화제

Date: 1 – 16 November 2019

Location: Hong Kong (Broadway Cinematheque, Broadway The ONE, MOViE MOViE Cityplaza, Palace ifc, PREMIERE ELEMENTS)

Guest: Tom Lin, Angelica Lee, Odagiri Joe, Christopher Doyle

Screening: No Longer Human, The Garden of Evening Mists, Kim Ji-Young, Born 1982, They Say Nothing Stays the Same, SANJU

Partners: Hong Kong Asian Film Festival

The Asian Film Awards Academy (AFAA) is working again with Hong Kong Asian Film Festival (HKAFF) again in 2019 to present AFAA’s flagship film roadshow – Asian Cinerama (the programme). Financially supported by Create Hong Kong and the Film Development Fund of the Hong Kong SAR Government, Asian Cinerama had take place in five cinemas, including Palace ifc, Broadway Cinematheque, Broadway THE ONE, MOViE MOViE Cityplaza and PREMIERE ELEMENTS from 1 to 16 November 2019.

The programme is opened with No Longer Human, directed by Japanese Director Ninagawa Mika, a neo-noir mystery-drama told intriguingly in reverse; and close with The Garden of Evening Mists by Taiwanese director Tom Lin (Starry Starry Night, Zinnia Flower) adapts Malaysian writer Tan Twan Eng’s Man Booker Prize-nominated novel into this elegant, star-studded drama about memory, loss and the art of gardening.

Other outstanding Asian films that will showcase at the programme include: Kim Ji-young, Born 1982 which based on a bestselling novel of the same name, describes how Korean woman face gender discrimination while juggling work and family; They Say Nothing Stays the Same by first time director Odagiri Joe, talks about the story of a boatman and a decision encounter starts to bring about changes to his life; SANJU, the highest-grossing Bollywood movie in 2018, based on Sanjay Dutt’s tumultuous life was directed by 3 Idiots director Rajkumar Hirani.


Filmmakers of They Say Nothing Stays the Same and The Garden of Evening Mists had attend post screening Q&A sessions this year!

다른 아시안 시네라마
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