The 17th Asian Film Awards, a prestigious event ea...
Under Parallel Skies World Premiere in AFA17
Win Metawin, the RIsing Star Awardee at this year'...
THE MOMENTS From Past Editions
As we are looking forward to the 17th edition of t...
第17回AFA Lifetime Achievement&『満江紅(マンジャンホン)』で2023 H...
BEST DRESSED AWARD is Presented Again!
The red carpet appearances of movie stars, finalis...
Interact with 4 Youth Ambassadors!
The four uniquely charming actors will gather at t...
鈴木亮平さん第17回AFA「Excellence in Asian Cinema Award」受賞!
アジア全域版アカデミー賞 アジア・フィルム・アワード
LEE Young-ae to Receive Excellence in Asian Cinema Award
LEE Young-ae is eagerly looking forward to coming ...