Each year, the Asian Films Awards Academy organized various programs, including Asian Film Awards to celebrate excellence in Asian cinema, and year-round initiatives such as the Masterclass Series, Journey to the Fest, Asian Cinerama, Young Film Professional Program and Film Craft Workshop, to promote Asian films, nurture young film talents and encourage exchanges among professionals in Asia.
Masterclass Series seeks to introduce veteran Hong Kong and Asian film professionals to both local and international audiences through comprehensive discussion so that audiences can learn more about the film industry; Film Craft Workshop aims to impart film production knowledge to participants by inviting foreign experts in the film industry to share their experiences and techniques in their specialized area; Asian Cinerama has been held in numerous countries, such as the United Sates, Finland, Canada and Japan, to promote and recognize outstanding Asian cinematic work; Journey to the Fest allows film and media students to gain a better grasp of the film business by giving them the opportunity to attend major international film festivals; Young Film Professional Program offers overseas training opportunities and short-term work placements to young film talents and mid-career film professionals in Hong Kong; Hong Kong Film Gala Presentation promotes Hong Kong films to reach more international moviegoers. AFAA will continue striving for sustainable development of Asian film industry by coordinating more innovative activities in the future.
AFAA’s partners include different film festivals, such as Busan, Hawaii, Helsinki, Singapore and Toronto Reel Asian international film festivals; film institutions and post-production companies such as The British Academy of Film and Television Arts, L’Immagine Ritrovata, Singapore Film Society, The Post Republic and While Light Post.